Table: Corporateville, a small slice of down-town. The Pizler Corp building has a convenient helipad. The snatch team starts on the helipad and must return Mr. Big to the opposite table edge for extradition.

Regulars: one Section of two fire teams.

Insurgents: three groups all w. leaders 1x(leader, LMG, SA) 1x(leader, 5 SA) and 1x(leader, LMG, 2 SA). Insurgency L4- regular entry charts.

Regulars enter Corporateville in VTOL with UCAV escorts

Delta fire team rush the building and capture Mr.Big
Charlie fire team clears a route out of the building
While insurgents mass for an ambush

Insurgents fail to beat regular interrupt roll ... and pay the price dearly

Another insurgent unit moves into position

But the insurgents roll badly for more reinforcements

Another failed interrupt (got a pattern forming here) and the Regulars with Mr.Big dodge the ambush by sprinting forwards

...Creating a pincer attack for the insurgents

But things go badly (no leader, failed interrupt test), regulars pour on fire

And the insurgents flee (morale fail)

Regulars move across the gap - insurgents fail movement interrupt - regulars move out of LOS

Next turn - Game over -> Delta fire team extract Mr.Big.

Playing on to see what happens to Charlie fire team. Charlie moves up, insurgents lose interrupt (again) and get hosed for their troubles.

Leaving a litter of bodies in their wake the Regulars complete their objective

After the initial onslaught of great dice rolling for the Regulars the insurgents had some horrible dice rolls for reinforcements and interrupts. Loss of leaders really hurt their chances against the Regulars.
A fast and one-sided game for the Regulars, I guess it just happens sometimes...