Monday, May 20, 2024

Back Down the Rabbit Hole?

Not quite...  ...Mini-Me-Minor's friend likes the toy soldiers, the two of them use them to play wargames and RPGs.  He does, however, keep asking me if I have rules for 40K. 

We have a new independent games store open in the next town over, I went in to buy paint to support them and while I was there I thought I'd check out the new version of 40K.  I was completely floored by the current GW prices, so, no new version of 40K for me.   However, there is a new store I'd like to support plus they also have gaming tables open to all games, which solves the challenge of me and a bunch of kids playing games in my house/basement, something I'd prefer not to do. 

So now for my cunning plan, Mini-Me-Minor and friend(s) want to play 40k, I would like to support the new independent store, lets do both.

While I don't have the modern version I do have a rules for 1st ed 40K with the old Rogue Trader book, a crappy scanned copy the Astronomican (my original fell apart many years ago) and my old copy of the Compendium.


Like every RT newbies I'll get them playing the rules using the intro scenario "Battle at the Farm".  For that I need Marines and Orks, as I don't want to pay GW prices it's time to do something different, enter the 3d printer.  Or at least that was the plan.

Off I went to the C-site and the T-site to look for cheap/free STLs, and was somewhat surprised to see them literally vanishing in front of my eyes.  I'd search one day and go back a few days later to see them removed in some sort of weird purge.  I did manage to get some files, and later guessed at what may be happening.  Apparently GW has some new battle-focused game with smaller figs, while folks had previously 3dprinted Epic figs, these were what was disappearing in the purge.  My guess was GW were issuing take-downs so folks had to buy their new figs instead of just scaling up the Epic 3d print figs.  

Anyhoo, I got some files and I've been printing, all have been scaled to 20mm.  Why 20mm?  Its small enough for small battles but big enough to skirmish properly and for characters to really stand out.  And Its my favourite scale, and I'm making them, so 20mm it is.

Orks, in the cartoony style of the earlies.  There's 30 plus leaders, plenty of Orks.
Then there's the Marines.  These are not all for me (honest), most are for Mini-Me-Minor and Friend.
Mk6, beaky Tac Marines.  In groups of 5, the squads of 10 came later.  Support weapons and other alternatives near the rear.
Tac Marines with Jump Packs
Comms, Techs and Dreadnoughts, one with laser cannon and two with heavy bolters.
Jet Bikes (plus dismounts) and Land Speeders
I found this funky stretched transport speeder, as yet I've no seated crew.
Medics and Psykers
Commanders and banners

The file for this one is called a FireRaptor, no idea if this is cannon or not, but I liked it.  I did this one in FDM, however, it is too small, its more 15mm than 20mm.  This one will be the in-flight version, I'll print an up-scaled version for a landed one (or two).

I've also printed a ruined farm, some walls and crops.  Painting is progressing, I'm doing the Orks and scenery, Mini-Me-Minor is going to paint the Marines.  We've been chatting about playing and painting, he's already bagged his pick of the Marines, its been really fun doing this project with him.  

Hopefully we will get to do the actual playing soon.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Another one in the bag

GZG ECC  XXVI, done.  And what fun it was too.  Turnout was a bit down, but we had some new folks too, so evens out.

All ready to go!

Gundamit! in is tiny glory.  The players enjoyed it, and even took home my home brew rules to play for themselves.

Votoms, using Stargunt2. 
The hover frigate was there, for the game it had been disabled by EMP

Sopedogs ready to charge in.

A great GZG ECC.  I ran Gundamit! and the Votoms game, I played a cowboys,  Alphastrike and a Galactic Grenadiers game.  Fun games with great players.  Only 360-ish days till next year

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Ready to pack for the GZG ECC

 Figs painted (OK, the Frigate needs decals, but I have to get new ones), and ready to pack

VOTOMs ready to go
Scopedogs, power armour snatch team, command and transports
Opposition commander (with photonic Katana) and personal retinue (retinue are Peter Pig, leaders, Kremilin Miniatures)
Frigate Crew (some VSF, Armchair General?), bots (GZG), repair techs (
Standing Turtles ready!
Gundam game
Asteriod complex, blown up Full Thrust terrain, forgot whose
Earthforce (CEGA)

Mini-me-Minor's fav mecha, a stormrider.  Why?  Big guns, goes fast, of course...

And off to pack we go!  GZG ECC this weekend coming, can't wait.

Is it even a miniature, revisited

 A hover ship, but why?  My interest in mecha really kicked off hard with the Heavy Gear Line.  I thought their backstory was pretty good too, but the part I really loved was the badlands landships, I soooo badly wanted one.  Then I saw my chance, this is a Hardwar hover frigate blown up 250% and printed on an FDM printer, it should be 6mm on a resin printer.  FDM loses some resolution and my home printer struggled to print this (it took 7 days).  but still, its a 15mm hover frigate ready for any badland I can find, except...

...its big, really big

next to 15mm figures (Khurasan command group)

Really big

Zoomed in, I cant wait to see it in action!

Sci-PBI ?

 Scifi PBI

Straight up Pete Pig PBI with SciFi toys.  I played this a while ago, few words, more pics

Attack and hold the town
Hardsuits attacking


mid-tech defending

DOH!, lost pics.  In the end v.few mid-techs left defending the town, hardsuits failed to gain a toehold.

same view, zoomed out.

PBI is fun, works for SciFi as long as its all SciFi.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

2024, A Springening?

 Weather's improving, time to varnish some of winters projects.


Some heavy powered armour

Standing Turtles (OK, first they need lining and bases finished off), all to be done in time for this year's GZG ECC (

Friday, February 2, 2024

Its Comming! GZG ECC 2024 is soon!

Time to prep.  

This year I'm running two games. The first is a a homebrew rules Gundam game, cheekily called Gundamit!  Actually, more Jovian Chronicles/Wars rather than Gundam, but mini-me-minor is a huge Gundam fan, so Gundam it is...

Gundams, two forces.  The blue and white are Jovians, the green are Earthforce (CEGA).  These are the Dream Pod 9 1/100 figs.  I prefer these to the 1/144s as they are easy to paint and we can fit a ton on a 2x2 foot space.

Some new terrain, asteroid stations in ~1/100, printed out on my FDM printer.

more asteroids, these are from NASA's STL collection of real-space objects, Kewl!

My second game will be a Votoms game, painting in progress...

Beginnings of a test-paint.

FYI, GZG ECC 26! :