Monday, February 7, 2011

Hush, be very quiet, we're hunting miniatures

A quick FYI

The Ambush is v.v. quite right now as playing soldiers is on-hold due to the imminent arrival of a miniature... ...a mini-Me and Mrs.Ambush is due any time now. 

Making opponents one-by-one: No.1 son already likes Daddy's toys,  hopefully No.2 will too (at least until they discover video games).


  1. Will you be at GZG? I would bring my daughter this year, but my wife is running a Lego camp that she just can't refuse.

  2. I'm hoping to make it, as long as No.2 son arrives on-time or early!

  3. Its on!

    I'll be at the ECC and I've offered to run a game on Sat evening. 'District 10' a SGII/Ambush alley mash-up kind of game hnunting a Crustie battlesuit.

    See you soon.
    (p.s. Mmmmm Lego Camp, v.v.tempting)
