Sunday, March 17, 2024

Ready to pack for the GZG ECC

 Figs painted (OK, the Frigate needs decals, but I have to get new ones), and ready to pack

VOTOMs ready to go
Scopedogs, power armour snatch team, command and transports
Opposition commander (with photonic Katana) and personal retinue (retinue are Peter Pig, leaders, Kremilin Miniatures)
Frigate Crew (some VSF, Armchair General?), bots (GZG), repair techs (
Standing Turtles ready!
Gundam game
Asteriod complex, blown up Full Thrust terrain, forgot whose
Earthforce (CEGA)

Mini-me-Minor's fav mecha, a stormrider.  Why?  Big guns, goes fast, of course...

And off to pack we go!  GZG ECC this weekend coming, can't wait.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Are the Jovian chronicles printed? Or do they come in that convenient size?

  3. Hi daveb, the JC minis are metal from DP9, they say they are 1/1000 scale.
